Monday, May 2, 2011

The art of effective business communication

With the increase in the use of emails via internet along with graphical text messaging forms, there are better means of communication to make way with words.
Verbal or written, either expressed well can increase the chances of success in any business by many folds. In the multilingual world, communication is a potent tool to persuade the end consumer. It is this communication which makes you land up in a good business relationship and it is the same tool which pulls out of business rift.

You went to attend a conference where speakers worked wonders by just delivering few notable corporate jargons and the final message was communicated to you. And, often you might have come across salesmen who tried pursuing you by using all forms of communication, direct, indirect, verbal and spoken, but you didn’t shudder or respond because of some loopholes in the process of communication.

And at yet another point of time, there might be occasions when you communicated by the expression of your eyes. In the corporate world, communication means a lot where the body language too speaks about you.The essence is to remove the barriers to communication. There should be enough relevance to the subject with evidence to support your argument, and make it work by using proper words. Many times, the quality of the product is of a low grade with less buzz created around the product by not doing enough advertisements and other marketing gimmicks. Rightly, it has been said that "word of mouth" is the best form of advertisement which again proves that nothing can be more rewarding than using the fine mode of communication. If you truly want to learn the art of connecting to people and strike the right chord, make way with words. Whatever styles and mode of communication you adopt, some add-on features will always help you build up style of communication.

Flower your personality: Do whatever you can do to develop your personality. Learn good etiquettes and maintain your posture while you speak since this forms an important part of your body language. Also maintain a proper dress code for the meetings and client presentations.

Show concern: When you speak, your eyes should be revealing the truth. Express concern for the person when you communicate.

Provide necessary details: Some customers want vivid details and inputs of the products or services you handle. Make necessary adjustments and provide all inputs.
Be wary of your language: This means that words you speak or write should not be harsh or seem offensive. Control always your temper and let the other person (an employee or client) feel that he is special for you.

Mintzberg had proposed three different categories of managerial role and operations, interpersonal, information-sharing and decision-making where all of these are based on active communication.

Kotter on the other hand talked of a general manager’s role which speaks of networking through good relationships which helps them to devise agendas and spending few minutes in meeting asking about things are moving in a business. Again involves communication. A manager needs to a good communicator if he wants to get work done by his subordinate. The success of the whole team depends on an employee’s ability to communicate with his peers and his superior. How effective is your communication is worth noting. So, what you should do to facilitate good communication?

Set your goals before speaking as to what you want to derive out of your communication process. Speak relevant and speak clarity.

Create space for open communication and address issues on a soft note. Always try to build up on your communication by taking care of other issues as discussed earlier· Try understanding what others communicate.

In a nutshell, always push yourself for becoming a powerful speaker by using tools of communication in a better way and remove the barriers to communications if any. Communication influences all divisions of an organizations in the form of an internal communication and not just the end consumer.

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