Monday, May 2, 2011

Choosing Corporate Long Distance Communication

Are you one of those dynamic business captains whose footprint covers the better part of the globe? Are you constantly communicating with your clients, associates, or suppliers?

Then you must be one who is heavily depending on trouble free, smooth and uninterrupted communication across time zones and continents. For that you must opt for the low business long distance rates available for long distance communication.

Now that itself is a very lengthy and complicated process.

This becomes even more complicated with rival service providers shouting themselves hoarse to prove they are the best.

With so much technical jargon thrown in and an extremely complicated system of billing (which at times verges on the weird!) by the service providers, it becomes near impossible for you to chose the right candidate who will provide you with uninterrupted communication flow with all those who matter.

So, the first step you should take is to become familiar with some of these jargons so that the smooth talking sales people can not lead you up the garden path!

This particular service is also popularly known as Wide- area Telephone Service (WATS). It is a modified form of long distance communication and is used by those who are in constant need of communicating with a number of fixed users.

There are three categories of WATS lines. They are In-Wats, Out-Wats and lines which are capable of both sending and receiving voice based information. You will have to carefully decide what sort of lines you choose between two communication hubs in your business network.

The system works on a basically simple framework. A few numbers are kept separate for exclusive use of the users of long distance telecommunication services. These numbers could be 866, 877 or 888 or some such combination.

The caller on these numbers need not pay long distance charges when communicating with these hubs. The receiver of such calls has to pay a certain fixed monthly charge for use of this facility up to a ceiling of hours of usage. If the usage crosses this ceiling, then charges are levied according to a specific rate chart.

Before you choose a corporate long distance provider, discuss with him thoroughly about the fine prints of the rate structure. These providers have a tendency to highlight the freebies while cleverly concealing the other charges to be paid in order to avail of these freebies. If you have successfully dealt with your mobile service provider over these freebies, you must be fully realizing what I am talking about!

Please do not forget that there is a cutthroat competition among these providers and the market rate is declining steeply. So, no matter what the sales person might be bombarding you with do not hesitate to negotiate with him and try to pull down the rates even when he is saying that they are his rock bottom offers!

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